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OUK and Konza Technopolis Partner in a drive to Plant and Grow over 10,000 trees

National Tree Growing Day

The Open University of Kenya (OUK) and the Konza Technopolis Development Authority have joined forces in a collaborative initiative to plant and nurture trees to achieve the desired forest cover. To commemorate National Tree Growing Day, the two institutions together with the Rotary Club of Karen initiated a tree-planting campaign within the expansive Konza Technopolis City. Today’s exercise realized the planting of over 10,000 tree seedlings. According to the Konza Technopolis environment blueprint, this is geared towards covering an area of 1,600 acres, equivalent to 30% of the facility. This aligns with the government's ambitious goal of achieving a 15 billion tree cover by 2032.

The event was attended by the Vice Chancellor Prof. Elijah Omwenga alongside the Chairman of Konza Technopolis Development Authority Prof. Raphael Munavu. Also in attendance was the OUK Council Member Dr. Hilman McOkwiri, representing the Chairman of Council, OUK.

Senator Richard Onyonka, who also attended the event, commended the President’s efforts in enhancing the country's conservation agenda. He pledged full support from the relevant Senate Committee to ensure the accomplishment of the 2032 tree-planting and growing objectives.

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