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Youth as Catalysts of Economic Growth: Insights from an Engaging Public Lecture to OUK Students

Konza Technopolis, March 21, 2025 – Education, innovation and skill development emerged as the cornerstone of youth empowerment, with the Director of Research at the Central Bank of Kenya (CBK)Prof. Robert Mudida, underscoring the necessity of acquiring relevant skills to enhance employability. He also noted the importance of youth-led innovation in shaping global markets and economies.

With Africa’s youth population rapidly expanding, their role in shaping the global economy has never been more critical. Recognizing this, the Open University of Kenya (OUK) hosted a thought-provoking Public Lecture on the economic potential of young people, featuring Prof. Mudida, as the keynote speaker. The discussion delved into both the opportunities and challenges that come with a burgeoning youthful workforce and explored pathways to harness their potential for sustainable growth.

Unlocking the Economic Potential of Africa’s Youth

Prof. Mudida emphasized the potential of Africa’s youthful population, describing it as a key driver of economic transformation if harnessed effectively. He cited the demographic dividend as a significant advantage for African nations, referencing the economic success of the East Asian Tigers as an example of how a young workforce can fuel rapid development.

He highlighted the necessity of education, innovation and skill development in empowering youth and improving employability. Additionally, he stressed the role of youth-led innovation in shaping global markets and fostering economic growth.

Challenges Facing Youth in Kenya

Despite their immense potential, Kenyan youth face significant challenges, including high unemployment rates, underemployment and brain drain. Prof. Mudida urged students to develop a broad reading culture beyond textbooks, seek mentorship and acquire both hard and soft skills to remain competitive in an evolving job market.

He further emphasized the importance of financial literacy, technological adaptability and foreign language proficiency in enhancing global competitiveness. Personal development, work-life balance and community engagement were also highlighted as key elements in shaping well-rounded individuals.

Interactive Q&A Session

The session concluded with an engaging Q&A segment, where Prof. Mudida addressed pressing concerns from attendees. Topics discussed included the impact of diaspora remittances on Kenya’s economy, financial lending opportunities for young entrepreneurs and job creation strategies.

Next Steps and Action Points

Several key takeaways emerged from the Lecture, outlining actionable steps for students and stakeholders:

  • Open University of Kenya students were encouraged to explore internship opportunities at CBK, as advertised on its official website.
  • Students were advised to prioritize skill development, learn foreign languages and adopt a broader reading culture to enhance global competitiveness.

The Public Lecture served as a timely reminder of the vital role young people play in economic development. As Africa navigates a fast-evolving global economy, equipping its youth with the right skills and opportunities will be key to unlocking sustainable growth and prosperity.


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The Open University of Kenya (OUK) is a virtual learning institution deeply committed to advancing education and driving socio-economic growth within Kenya and beyond. Access to higher education has remained a major challenge in Kenya and this has disadvantaged citizens who seek to improve their knowledge, upscale skills and for posterity. Experts have noted that increasing the number of educational institutions so as to match the rate of population growth is an extremely difficult if not impossible solution especially when financial and other resource constraints are considered. Open and Distance Learning approaches, coupled with innovative ICT solutions, have proofed viable alternatives to providing excellent education to millions of people located wherever and whenever by different life circumstances.